Sunday, September 7, 2008

hiding place

We are hiding out in our house today. Right now there is a crudely made sign slapped up on our front door that reads:

The Logans
Texting only!

Here in the Philippines, you are rarely formally invited over to someone's house. It is expected that you will "drop by" anytime. We probably have a minimum of 3 "guests" at different times on our days off, not to mention during the week when practices and meetings are at our house (or the fact that we live in a compound with 10 other people). And it wouldn't be so bad except that it is polite to then invite them to sit down, stay awhile, eat your food, etc. So, yesterday, after this happened and our day off was suddenly turned upside down into a string of impromptu meetings, Geoff and I found ourselves frustrated and arguing. No good. Jesting, Geoff said, "I'm going to put up a sign. People should know better than to bother Americans on their day off!" And up the sign went :) We haven't had a single knock since.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

That is so funny... Go Geoff! :)