Monday, June 30, 2008


It's been awhile since I've posted. Major news is that my Thesis has gone to the printer and we just got back from a too short trip to the U.S. Before leaving for the States, Geoff and I daydreamed about all of the good food we would have (like Taco Bell, ha, good is relative in our scenarioJ). Going to Wal-Mart just to wander around. Seeing so many faces that we've longed to see. And driving on wide open roads! We were able to do all of these things and more. And, they were most satisfying (although Bell is not as good as I remembered it!). However, when we landed in Manila and felt the damp air and experienced the lively Filipino security guards smiling and joking with us (as we secretly pushed thousands of dollars worth of equipment past customs!), we both had a sense of, "Ahh, we're home."

There's just one catch. The sacrifice. Ultimately, being in the U.S. was nice. But there was nothing so overwhelming that it kept us from wanting to go back to the Philippines. In fact, we were greatly encouraged and our spirits lifted about our work after visiting with so many people who care about us. But when it came time to say goodbye at the airport, I watched Jim and Betty, Geoff's parents, saying goodbye to Ariel. And I began to cry.

Geoff and I have the opportunity to make decisions for ourselves and order our lives the way we want to. But Ariel and her grandparents don't have that privilege in their relationship. And that's the kicker for me. The very hardest part of being here is the sacrifice of relationship that they must endure. Our parents have and always will be supportive of our endeavors. And I know they're proud of us. But I also know their hearts hurt to see us go. Somehow, I feel responsible.

Is it worth the cost? I don't know. Only God can answer that. And I can only be obedient to what He's asked of me. But I love my parents. I miss them. And I'm sorry for the sacrifices they have to make.

So, with that said, here are a couple of pics of Ariel with her "G-Paw" (my dad) and her Nana (Geoff's mom) taken last week.

We love you G-Paw, Nana and Grandad, Mimi and Robin, Mawmaw and Pawpaw, Granny and Grandpa. Sincerely.

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