Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Limited Time Offer

Some things you just NEED to do while you're young.

The other day, I was finding relief in a cup of coffee while my husband exercised in the gym next door (note: I DID exercise that day, just not quite as long as usual :) I NEEDED that cup of coffee. I NEEDED the silence (relatively speaking) of the little corner table in the back of the shop. I had my language lesson workbook open trying to frantically stuff more words and grammar into my brain before my next lesson, but the silent moment was like a door of a musty room flung open to the spring air. And I couldn't help but let my thoughts drift out on the wind.

What was I thinking about? I was musing on how a few weeks earlier, while Geoff was in Mongolia, I had such an easier time getting all those "extras" done that I couldn't seem to find the time to do now. Those extras being really not "extras" at study, quiet meditation, language learning, relationship building, and feeling a general sense of awe at my exotic surroundings. Why, now, when our family is together am I so busy again? The work required to learn a new language and to enjoy this culture increased exponentially when Geoff returned. Its not at all Geoff's fault. The fact of the matter is, being a full time culture learner, a full time mom, a full time wife, and a full time worker, is difficult. And I had the thought, "Boy, I wish I was single!"

OK, that is NOT true. I do NOT wish I was single. At all. But, I realize that having a family greatly increases your work at home and greatly decreases your ability to soak in and give out in every other area that you would like to. Having a family IS my work. And it would be wherever I lived. This sometimes makes me question why, then, am I all the way over here?! But nonetheless, this is where I'm supposed to be. Salt. Even in my daily family life.

But, it WOULD be easier if I were single. To engage with the world. So, I guess this is an encouragement to anyone who is "putting off" doing the amazing thing until they get a little more established, a little more money, a little more whatever. Take advantage of the ability you have as a single to be spontaneous. To think about the world and go there. To take action. To invest in relationships. To do the unthinkable.

Family life is wonderful. And being a family overseas has its rewards. But singleness, is a limited time offer. Redeem it. Spend it. And use it well.

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