Sunday, August 23, 2009

the list is getting shorter

I got to mark one more thing off my "what I want to do before I die" list today. I need to make a longer list!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Limited Time Offer

Some things you just NEED to do while you're young.

The other day, I was finding relief in a cup of coffee while my husband exercised in the gym next door (note: I DID exercise that day, just not quite as long as usual :) I NEEDED that cup of coffee. I NEEDED the silence (relatively speaking) of the little corner table in the back of the shop. I had my language lesson workbook open trying to frantically stuff more words and grammar into my brain before my next lesson, but the silent moment was like a door of a musty room flung open to the spring air. And I couldn't help but let my thoughts drift out on the wind.

What was I thinking about? I was musing on how a few weeks earlier, while Geoff was in Mongolia, I had such an easier time getting all those "extras" done that I couldn't seem to find the time to do now. Those extras being really not "extras" at study, quiet meditation, language learning, relationship building, and feeling a general sense of awe at my exotic surroundings. Why, now, when our family is together am I so busy again? The work required to learn a new language and to enjoy this culture increased exponentially when Geoff returned. Its not at all Geoff's fault. The fact of the matter is, being a full time culture learner, a full time mom, a full time wife, and a full time worker, is difficult. And I had the thought, "Boy, I wish I was single!"

OK, that is NOT true. I do NOT wish I was single. At all. But, I realize that having a family greatly increases your work at home and greatly decreases your ability to soak in and give out in every other area that you would like to. Having a family IS my work. And it would be wherever I lived. This sometimes makes me question why, then, am I all the way over here?! But nonetheless, this is where I'm supposed to be. Salt. Even in my daily family life.

But, it WOULD be easier if I were single. To engage with the world. So, I guess this is an encouragement to anyone who is "putting off" doing the amazing thing until they get a little more established, a little more money, a little more whatever. Take advantage of the ability you have as a single to be spontaneous. To think about the world and go there. To take action. To invest in relationships. To do the unthinkable.

Family life is wonderful. And being a family overseas has its rewards. But singleness, is a limited time offer. Redeem it. Spend it. And use it well.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just like the movies.

You know on TV when you see people at an exclusive resort & spa, and Asian women are twisting them, turning them, walking on them, and the person's like, "Oh! Ow! Arghh! Ahhh..." Well, I totally just had that experience! Geoff and I's date tonight was a Thai massage. One and half hours for $6 bucks. Painful and exhilirating all at the same time. Just like the movies. Can't do THAT in the States :)