Friday, May 15, 2009

Today I worked on devotionals for musicians in Mongolia, I organized schedule and transportation issues for workers in the Philippines and Singapore, I joined my work team over skype to pray for a host of music projects around the world including my project in Thailand later this year, and on top of all of that, I made a new friend today over coffee and I witnessed another day of Ariel's beautiful life. That's at least 5 people groups, a friend, and a family that I got to share the day with or at least work on their behalf. Wow. What a day.

A good friend of mine is a composer, among many other things, and a good one. One of his many talents is to also pressure others into doing extraordinary things (Q, I mean that in a good way:) Being composition students at college together earlier in our lives has given him the ammunition to always ask me if I'm still composing....more specifically, am I creating a masterpiece. The last time he asked me this, I was finally able to reply, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am." But its not a symphony of instruments, melodies, and musical genius. Its an orchestra of lives. Those that I get to intersect with every day. And in my own way, I have the opportunity to brush their day with a new color, if you will. A new motif, if you're a musician. And in the end, I'm hoping its glorious. I'm hoping it IS a masterpiece. One that I can lay down at my King's feet and say, "Here, this is for you."

1 comment:

Betsy Murphy said...

you ARE creating a masterpiece! It's so are so special and talented and I'm so proud of what you're doing..i miss you so much and want to catch up..i love you and your sweet little fam! give that girl of yours a squeeze for me :)