Wednesday, April 29, 2009

wrinkles in time

I've noticed this week that I've got WRINKLES! Its just a few, right around the eyes. I know that many reading this already have those and are probably thinking, "Oh whatever!", but hear me out.... "You've got such nice skin...You've always looked young like your mother." These I've always heard, and they're probably true. So, no, I know I'm not a prune, and probably never will be. And don't get me wrong. That's okay with me. But that's not the point. I'm saying that I am proud to join the ranks. Somehow, it actually encourages me. I know its easy to say that I don't mind aging from my 31 years point of view. It's just that I've always admired people who have persevered. Made it through. Have stories to tell. And those stories don't come without wrinkles. I've always imagined myself as an eccentric old professor, someday, who teaches her class through stories of her life's adventures. And of course, the students love her ;) And most of my life thus far, HAS been an adventure. And perseverance. Maybe my wrinkles are from laughing or maybe they're from crying. Probably both. But either way, they come with a few stories. And I hope I can tell them well.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

OH I love the post again...I want to be like that when I grow up, too. You will be a fantastic storyteller/professor!

I have smile wrinkles for sure, but where does the gray hair come from? I noticed my first ones last year and they've been multiplying :)