Tuesday, April 7, 2009

a day in the life of me

well, its not that my life is incredibly interesting, but I wondered myself what I actually do in a day and here is what I got. Not much like the incredible biographies I've been reading of spiritual giants...but, maybe making a frog with my daughter counts :)

  • wake up to the smell of freshly brewed starbucks coffee made by my husband (thank you mom and dad!)
  • wonder whether I really want to wait in the sun for a taxi to take me to a Mommy bible study...decide not to even though I probably should have
  • release my daughter from her room, half naked because she now uses her potty regularly
  • hop down the hall with her to then be instantly commanded to arrange her predicted breakfast and morning video choices (the Bee Movie or CareBears along with cheese and "starfish", her name for a cereal similar to Lucky Charms)
  • slip in a moment to brush my teeth before sitting down to make a market list for our helper to do the weekly shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables
  • knowing that my daughter is momentarily preoccupied, I sit down to eat my toast as I indulge in a chapter of Twilight (thanks to my good friend, Chana, I have now been officially sucked in, haha good pun, to the teenage vampire love story bandwagon) I know, I know...
  • water the 75 or so seedlings we are growing (tomatoes, cilantro, and flowers), I've always enjoyed a good science experiment
  • finger paint a frog and snake with my daughter
  • play make believe randomness on the floor with my daughter
  • accept a piece of leftover birthday cake from a new friend and neighbor (and looking forward to the future possibilities of long term friendship since she's one of the few who will be here as long we we will be)
  • sit down to coconut, vegetable, and fresh tuna soup along with a batch of grapes that we indulged in buying this week
  • hop back down the hall with my daughter to her room for a book and kiss before naptime
  • listen supportively to my husband about his struggles and victories
  • now that it is stifling hot, I retreat to our bedroom where our recently installed aircon is quietly purring and luring me in for a nap myself
  • wake up and discuss goals and visions about our ministry with Geoff
  • work on the computer networking with other people in my field, researching the background of Asian theologists, finding flights for our Mongolia team members, planning the dates of our furlough, handling the finances of an upcoming songwriting seminar, working through the curriculum for that same seminar, and a number of other things I've already forgotten that I did
  • sit down to eat nachos with homemade salsa and homemade queso thanks to chef Geoff
  • try to convince my daughter to take one bite at a time
  • try to convince my daughter that the little ants on the table are not harmful and actually quite fun to squash
  • proceed to the bathroom where my daughter, now drenched in bubble solution, needs a shower
  • run out screaming "Daddy, Daddy!" as a roach comes out of the drain (so much for teaching Ariel confident squashing techniques)
  • finish the bath, drink a glass of ice tea, and work thru Ariel's bedtime routine (climbing the wall to turn off the light, flying to the bed, jumping on the bed, singing an array of songs, bedtime prayers, and finally goodnight kisses)
  • proceed upstairs in the hope of continuing my more adult like work
  • find myself in a long conversation with Geoff regarding who the best rock voices are while browsing facebook
  • continue my distractions by writing this blog
  • decide to go to bed with all intentions to be more productive tomorrow
There it is. In all its glory.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Enjoyed this post! Especially the part about the bugs :)
Love ya