Monday, March 9, 2009


Recently, Geoff and I were watching The Two Towers (Lord of the Rings) and having a great time. Content. Happy. Etc. Then, seemingly out of the blue, Geoff says, "I miss home." And I said, "Yeah, I do too." And in that moment, I was able to connect the dots...the themes of the movie...our own feelings of missing home...and the big picture of why we're here on this planet. And I thought about how its much like missing our REAL home. The one of eternity in the full presence of God.

Geoff and I are happy here. We don't pine away for things we don't have (at least not most days). And yet, we don't feel completely at home. But rather...we're here to do a job. And we are doing it to the best of our ability...and even enjoying it although its hard. But thats not all there is. Its a stop along the way toward something bigger...and better.

Sometimes, I feel this longing really strongly...for life with God when there is no glass separating us from full knowledge of him. And at other times, its a faint thought in the back of my mind. But, its always there. Ever present. Forever glowing with the hope of a future. And it urges me on. To keep doing. Keep believing. Keep trusting. Keep laying myself down in surrender...

...Sometimes it feels like a surgical procedure...but even in my pain...I close my eyes and breathe deep. Knowing that my hope is not in vain. And one day, I will open my eyes and be surrounded by His glory, forever more.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


You know you truly have a little girl when she is making tea wearing sunglasses and butterfly wings.

Monday, March 2, 2009

dog meat

Well, I thought I was going to have a great story to post today. I went to a birthday party where on the table was a barbecued animal that looked suspiciously like a dog. Knowing the rumors of dog eating in this country, I wasn't too surprised but actually a little excited to be "living on the edge" and eating something I would never dream of trying in a normal life. The host of the party went on to explain that they actually raise dogs on farms for this purpose. So, with courage, I cut off a sliver and stuck it in my mouth. It actually tasted quite good! But I wasn't going back for seconds.

However, I soon found out it was just a joke and my dreams of telling my great grandkids about eating Filipino mutt died away. It was a goat. Haha! Its amazing how this little bit of information changed my willingness to go back for seconds :)

So, there you have it. My story about not eating dog in the Philippines.