Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the jokes on us

That dreaded day has dawned. The day when your sweet innocent two year old drops her banana, and in a passionate moment of expressing her frustration at that insolent banana, you find out what curse word you use the most. There's no denying it, you know? No way to cover it up. It's a big condemning finger pointed RIGHT AT YOU.

Well, of all the words she could be using, it could be worse. Her current word of choice is "G*d!!" But there's just something about a two year old saying it that brings out its ugliness. What's funny is that in our wittiness we have been inserting, "Gosh!" every time she says it (which is a lot right now). Even our non-English speaking helper is saying, "Gosh!" now. But today, a new word emerged..."Sh*t!" So, somehow in our efforts to curb our tongues, we've unknowingly replaced one expression with another!

Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, my parents like to tell that story, too. I was 3 or 4, and I was trying to untangle my tricycle from the garden hose. I had not been successful, so I said, "I don't need this shit!" My dad realized that my mom had been right all along: "If you don't stop cussing around her, she's going to pick up those words!"