Sunday, August 24, 2008


This week I took Ariel to see the Kadayawan street dancers. Kadayawan is a festival that showcases the arts, crafts, and foods of the tribes living on our island. The street dancing featured dance troupes from each of the tribes competing on a parade route through the city. It was a whirlwind of color, movement, and sound. Absolutely mesmerizing.

You can see more pictures on our photo page at "" or just click on the LIFE MOMENTS slideshow on the left of this page.

too much of a good thing

Too much of a good thing is usually bad, right? Take mayonnaise for example. Add a nice thin layer to your BLT, and you've got a tasty treat. Mayonnaise is one of those things that is often necessary, but a little goes a long way. However, the restaurants here seem to ascribe to a different philosophy of condimentation. If you bite into a KFC chicken sandwich, you suddenly find your fingers drenched while your sandwich excretes massive amounts of mayo. Think I'm overexaggerating? The picture is proof. It's supposed to be a club sandwich. But it was more like a mayo pie. Yuck! Condiments are way out of control in Davao. Even Pizza Hut serves up its pizza pie with Thousand Island dressing squirted on top.

Friday, August 8, 2008

one more, please!

Please allow me to make one more post about my beautiful daughter. Yes, I do have other musical, spiritual, and cultural things at hand, but how can one resist! This is a picture of Ariel as a flower girl for the first time (just yesterday). Neither girl had ever done it before, and I somehow got to be the person willing them down the aisle in front of laughing and aaahhhing guests. After several attempts of showing them how to drop the flowers (and Ariel thinking she was supposed to dump the whole bucket right there on the grass!), I finally had them hold hands and pointed to the front saying, "walk there, walk there". Ariel led the way and Angenique quickly followed. They did good.

Notice the crackers in place of the flowers? Yes, the ceremony was at 7am and that would be her last minute breakfast. And, proof that I learned something in 8th grad Home Economics class, those straps would be my first attempt at sewing something by hand in 17 years!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Our friend Mike recently came home with a pet rabbit which is conveniently kept in our yard. This means we now have a garbage disposal for our old vegetables, and Ariel has a fun pet to go along with the menagerie of cows, chickens, and pigs she sees everyday. The video below was taken this afternoon by our neighbor, Kirsten. What a cutie pie!

Friday, August 1, 2008

oh, the beauty of being 2

Ariel and I having fun in front of the webcam this morning :)