Saturday, January 17, 2009

scenes from a day in Bangkok

Just to prove I was really there...
From my little hotel, I hopped onto a river ferry and got off here (after going the wrong way first!), at one of the many street markets...
I don't know how many temples I went to, but it was a bunch. And a lot of people. Its too many photos for this little blog, but they'll be posted on flickr when I get back. I spent most of my time wandering around wondering at all the people doing whatever they can to gain merit and find some sense of peace.

Praying before an enormous reclining statue of Buddha, supposedly representing the sublime state he was in when he died...
One of the more plain buildings, but there was a monk walking by, so I snapped the shot and I think its one of my favorites...

Just because its cool...
Some of the building were so extravagent, it was incredible...and bewildering to be honest...

I wish I knew what they were praying for...
To end my day, I hopped back on the ferry (this time going the right way), and ate a savory Thai meal overlooking the river at sunset...

A perfect ending (except for Geoff not being there at such a romantic moment).


Betsy Murphy said...

you were absolutely right when you said you thought i would enjoy it..oh my goodness it looks absolutely marvelous..i wish i were there to experience it with you, but i am overjoyed that you are getting able to see your beloved part of the world :) are precious and i'm praying for you while you're away from your hubby and baby! love you!

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

So glad you felt healthy so you could enjoy this beautiful place. What a blessing to be there. It's on my list of places I want to see - so thanks for sharing photos. Hopefully I'll get there someday. We've been praying. Sorry I've been absent in the blog world. I'm hoping to get there too! Obviously I'm kind of out of practice on how to post comments....
Love all of you, Lisa